How to play Pokemon Go : tips and Hacks
Today's topic is going to be a Pokémon go hacks and
tips. I don't know about you guys but I feel like I've been so obsessed with Pokémon
go recently I think everybody has been obsessed with pokemon go too isn’t that true?
these are just some hacks and tips that you guys might
already know if you are like diehard fans but if you're not then you might not
know some of these so hopefully there's something in here that you didn't know
before but first you tell me what's your favorite Pokémon in a comment below .
For me my favorite pokemon of all time is Meowth.
The first tip is to play with your friends, it’s good to take a walk with
your friends and play Pokemon Go at the same time because you’re not aware of
your surroundings and you should make sure you don't get into any dangerous
situations or places
The next hack is to go to the settings menu and click battery saver because
pokemon go kills the battery so just get prepared and put on your comfy shoes and
a hat and get some sunglasses and bring a portable phone charger especially if
you're planning on going a long distance .
If you're catching a bunch of duplicate pokemon especially ones that aren't
really super rare then just tap on them and transfer them to Professor willow
in exchange for candy which can help you evolve your pokemon and this is good because
what you're going to do with 40 piggies
this one might be kind of obvious
and you might have already heard of this one but tap on the pokeball for about
two seconds and flick hard rather than just flicking it at the pokemon because
the harder you throw the pokeball the more likely you will catch the pokemon
and not waste a bunch of pokeballs.
turn off the augmented reality which
kind of makes the pokemon like appear in your bathroom and outside and it makes
them appear in real life so turn that off because then the camera will be more
stable and your Pokemon will be more centered and it will be easier to catch
them also this is good because it actually does save your battery on.
it's the rings around the pokemon
and the different colors actually mean different things so if there's a green
ring around the pokemon that means it's easy to catch if there's a yellow one
around that means it's like moderately difficult to catch and if there's a red
one around that means it's difficult to catch so as you start to level up you'll get special pokeballs that you can use for the more rare pokemon and also you can use berries if you want to sedate
the rare wild Pokemon so that way you can catch them easier
I hope this helps you guys out a little bit I'll assess with pokemon go I
feel like after this I'm going to go back
and I gotta go back outside and try and catch me a peek .
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